Cancer Care and Oral Health

Cancer Care and Oral Health

Cancer afflicts more than 1.6 million people every year, along with loved ones who share the journey. Fortunately, successful treatment modalities continue to emerge and more people than ever are winning the battle. But often the powerful medications used to target...
5 Habits That Damage a Smile

5 Habits That Damage a Smile

Teeth are essential players in digestion, central to our appearance, and even help us form our words properly.  Enamel, the hardest substance in our bodies, provides a tough outer layer made of intricate crystal rods. And a solid foundation of bone and gum surround...
Your Tongue: A Window To Your Health

Your Tongue: A Window To Your Health

The human tongue is often referred to as the most powerful muscle in the body.  But your tongue is actually comprised of eight muscles working together as a multi-use tool.  Washington Irving once said, “The tongue is the only instrument that gets sharper with use.” ...
Headaches: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

Headaches: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

Even if you don’t suffer from headaches, you’ve probably experienced “brain freeze” after a scoop of your favorite ice cream.  While experts don’t really know why it happens, it’s believed that the cold against your warm palate causes blood vessels to constrict and...
The Mouth Sore Affliction

The Mouth Sore Affliction

You feel it coming on: A spot in your mouth starts to burn or tingle, and you know what’s about to happen. By tomorrow you’ll have a nagging sore cratered into the lining of your cheek. Aphthous ulcers afflict 20% of the population, recurring intermittently and often...
Growing Teeth: A New Dental Frontier

Growing Teeth: A New Dental Frontier

Kids reach many milestones as they grow, including frequent visits from the tooth fairy. A series of developmental steps cause baby teeth to fall out and adult teeth to replace them. But sometimes adults lose permanent teeth from disease or trauma. Modern dentistry...
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